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Total Water Management / Water Pond, Lake, River Restoration / Water Filtration / Enzyme wastewater treatmen, laundry, and Dishwash Application / Algae Biodiesel


GBR Division & Core members

Heavy metal Treatment through Algae

Algae Production System

Algal Production and Harvest for Food, Feed and Biofuels

Algae Biodiesel

All of Project are based on customer design request. Please contact us for detail.




Algal Production and Harvest for Food, Feed and Biofuels

This patent project are developed through :

(1) Professor, Dr. David Brune and Endowed Chair, Dept. of Agri & Biol.Engr., Clemson University

(2) Assistant Professor, Califonia Polytechnical University, California

(3) Manager, International Network Biofixation of CO2 & GHG Abatement with Microalgae, Walnut Creek, Calif.

This "Algal Systems Applications" are using Controlled Eutrophication Process (CEP) to reach the following target:

    1. Low-cost, open-air systems
    2. Biological control for harvest, processing
    3. Providing environmental services
    4. Integrated with food, feed, fuel coproduction

Two major project were done for "Integrating Environmental Remediation with By-Product Recovery".

    1. Clemson/Kent SeaTech
    2. Salton Sea Restoration & Remediation


Major advantage:

for this Aquaculture / Bioenergy Co-Production process can reach higher Cash-Flow Potential

•Zero emissions •In high efficient harvesting algae District, Our new system can keep the water quality for aquaculture fish or shrimp to produce 20,000-25,000 lbs / acre with zero discharge effluent. •Biomass is 10-20 tons / acre of algae can be produced annually by 5-10 tons / year of fish alternatives, such as Artemia biomass.
A one-acre high-rate algal production footprint could support as much as $180,000/yr of aquaculture value, $25,000 of animal feed value with $2,000 to $6,000 of biofuels cash flow.
4 kw/acre of stationary power (as biogas) with 250-500 gallons of liquid fuel/acre-yr (25 -50% of energy required to operate systems) 75-90% of the cash-flow provided by fish or shrimp production, 10-15% from animal feeds, and 5-10% from bioenergy co-production



    Pilot plant in Salton Sea

    Flow Chart whole system


    CEP Algal Sedimentation Belt at Kent
    SeaTech in California

    high concentration algae

    collected wet-dry algae

    solar drying algae

    2-Ac Freshwater System for Aquaculture @ Clemson


    0.25 acre,130,000 gallons, BS reactor =700 gal, 0.5% of system volume

    Algal biomass harvest from Partitioned Aquaculture System at Clemson University, S.C.


    Algal biomass harvest from Partitioned Aquaculture System at Clemson University, S.C.

    Marine shrimp and Fish from harvested pond in Partitioned Aquaculture System at Clemson University, S.C.

    Marine shrimp and Fish from harvested pond in Partitioned Aquaculture System at Clemson University, S.C.

    Extracted mixed oil


    Gravity separation; oil, water and biomass fractions