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Total Water Management / Water Pond, Lake, River Restoration / Water Filtration / Enzyme wastewater treatmen, laundry, and Dishwash Application / Algae Biodiesel

Test Kit

Ozone System


MetFloc Wastewater Metal Removal Process: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the MetFloc Process?
A. The MetFloc Process is a highly efficient, cost-effective process for the treatment of "real-world" metal-laden waste solutions; wastewater matrix that is complexed/chelated with sequestering agents; high in Biochemical Oxygen Demands (BODs) and Chemical Oxygen Demands (CODs). The process which removes all heavy metals totally encompasses the concepts of pollution prevention, waste minimization and resource recycle.
Q. What superior performance is the MetFloc process claiming over present metal treatment processes?
The MetFloc Process is claiming superior performance in all aspects of process control in treating real time metal-laden water solutions:
1. The process is not pH-sensitive. All metals in a multi-metal waste solution are removed at one pH treatment cycle.
2. The process is highly efficient even in the presence of interfering agents (EDTA, chelating/sequestering agents).
3. The process effectively treats metal-laden solutions high in Biochemical Oxygen Demands (BODs) and Chemical Oxygen Demands (CODs).
4. The process can also remove some ranges of organics (e.g. Phenols), colors and odors.
5. The clarifier retention time is drastically reduced from 5-30 minutes to less than 1 minute, resulting in a highly compact treatment unit with a very small footprint.
Q. What are the typical areas of applications? To what industries do the products apply?
A. The MetFloc Process can be used by all generators/handlers of metal-laden wastewater.
Q. How cost effective is the process?
A. The MetFloc Process is cost competitive with present processes on the market.
Q. I have a conventional wastewater treatment systems unit (reaction-mix, flocculation/ coagulation and clarifier chambers). What is my capital equipment cost if I want to change over to the MetFloc chemicals?
A. The MetFloc chemicals are highly adaptable to present conventional systems unit with little or no modifications. This process simply makes your unit cheaper and more efficient to run.
Q. I need a treatment system in my facility. Does the MetFloc Process come with a systems unit?
A. The MetFloc systems unit is a highly compact modular unit with a very small footprint. The unit can be batch or continuous; manual; semi- or fully automated.
Q. Can the process treat high color metal-complexed dyeing solutions?
A. The process can effectively remove the metals and color from a dyeing solution all in one treatment cycle.
Q. How does the process handle chelated hexavalent chromium plating waste solutions?
A. The MetFloc Process eliminates the noxious gases intermediate step of reducing Cr(VI) to Cr(III). Hexavalent chromium is maximally removed to compliance level.
Q. I want to remove my metals from my waste solutions. How can I use the MetFloc Process?
A. The process can be integrated onto a metal recovery platform either at the front-end in a precipitation step or at the end of the platform in a sludge recovery method.
Q. Does the MetFloc process handle free/total metal-complexed cyanide wastewater?
A. The MetFloc process can effectively handle both free and total cyanide metal-complexed waste solutions.