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Total Water Management / Water Pond, Lake, River Restoration / Water Filtration / Enzyme wastewater treatmen, laundry, and Dishwash Application / Algae Biodiesel

Test Kit

Ozone System


MetFloc Systems Inquiry
Regarding Metals Removal from Wastewater

Please use the form below to make a MetFloc Systems inquiry. Your information will be responded to as quickly as possible.

General Info
Company Name
Contact Name
E-Mail Address
Phone Number
Flowrate Profile
Gallons per Minute (GPM)
Gallons per Day (GPD)
Heavy metals Profile
Metal type Concentrations (ppm)

Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA)? YES NO
Other chelated/complexing agents? YES NO
Surfactants/sequestering agents? YES NO
NH4-NH3; unoxidized forms of nitrogen as Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)? YES NO
Cyanide? YES NO
Biochemical Oxygen Demands (BODs)? YES NO
Chemical Oxygen Demands (CODs)? YES NO

Additional Details or Comments