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Clean up" Products Descalers
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Cooling Water Treatment
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Heat Transfer Fluids
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Boiler Water Treatment
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Sludge Control and On-Line Descaling
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Oxygen Scavenger
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Water and Waste Water Treatment
Potable Water Treatment Water and Waste Water Biological Treatment
Orange Terpene Treatment
MetFloc Chemicals

Heavy Metal (MetFloc)

Coventry Free Service Analysis

Soil & Water Polycal 2

RO Chemicals



Polycal 2

Waste Solid after treated with Polycal 2

No physical change in waste results

Chemicals for remediation of contaminated soil and
contaminated water.

For soil contaminations:

  • Metals - Polycal 2
  • Hydrocarbons - Bioremediation materials

For water contaminations:

  • Metals - Polycal 2 , Polymers, coagulants, pH controls
  • Hydrocarbons - Bioremediation materials


Polycal 2 - Technology Brief

Technology Description: Polycal 2 is a nonhazardous inorganic sulfide that can be
used to stabilize metals present in soil, sludge, and other media. It is available in both
liquid and solid forms.

Polycal 2 has a variety of potential uses including insitu and exsitu
environmental restroration, hazardous and mixed waste treatment, and use as a insitu
reactive barrier. The following is a brief list of potential applications.

Potential Uses
  • Stabilization soil containing heavy metals. (Arsenic,
    Barium, Cadmium, Lead, Selenium, Silver)

  • Inline treatment of waste from manufacturing or tank
    clean out.

  • Stabilization of metals in mixed radioactive/hazardous

  • Treatment of waste and sludge containing metals.

  • Insitu treatment of shallow soil containing metals.

  • Stabilization of metals in dredge spoils and mining

  • Treatment of waste water and ground water containing

  • Limited waste volume increase (only 1-5% vs. 10-20%).

  • Less waste results in decreased transport and disposal costs.

  • Curing time of less than 1 minute.

  • Handling properties of waste are not affected by treatment.

  • Curing is not affected by the presence on organic compounds.

  • Treated material can be tested immediately rather than waiting 28 days.

  • Treated material can be stockpiled while waiting test results.

  • Cost Savings: The total cost for using Polycal 2 could be up
    to 40% less than costs for cementation. Factors influencing the
    cost savings Polycal 2 projects include the following:
    • Volume increase of waste treated with Polycal 2is
      typically only 5%.
    • No physical change in waste results in more efficient
      material handling.
    • Transportation & disposal costs are less due to
      smaller volumes and easier handling.

Regulatory Acceptance: Polycal 2 is the active ingredient in metals
stabilization projects approved in numerous states including Massachusetts,
New York, and Missouri. It was the active ingredient that was demonstrated
in Utah under the USEPA SITE program. On going development programs are
being funded by government and commercial clients for new applications.

Validation: Full-scale projects have been completed at five sites. At each
site, TCLP levels of lead were reduced three orders of magnitude (to below
acceptable levels) in treated samples. Successful projects have also been
completed on inline waste treatment. Successful bench scale tests of sludge
and a supernate have also been completed.

Polycal 2 - Technology Brief